Centre Issues High-Risk Warning for Samsung Galaxy Phone Users

Do you own a Samsung Galaxy smartphone and use it frequently? Be cautious because strange hacking incidents have been reported recently. Users have reported incidents of photo deletion and unauthorized access to their phones.

Furthermore, some users have reported that their fingerprints and passcodes have been erased from their phones. Continue reading for more details if you find yourself in a situation similar to this one.

“I stared in complete shock at my phone. I was demoralized by the screen’s depressing message, “Incorrect PIN.” I knew exactly what my PIN was because I had memorized it and never changed it. “I even tried using the fingerprint sensor in a desperate attempt, but it didn’t work,” says User, a frequent user of Samsung Galaxy phones, who was locked out of her phone this morning.

Samsung Galaxy

” How could my phone’s PIN be changed without my knowledge? That remained the question. It was crucial to stop unwanted access to my phone since it contained a lot of private information, including messages and images. I went online and checked social media because I felt like I needed to get something quickly,” User said.

Searching for advice on online forums sent a chill down my spine. Reports of similar incidents began to emerge, suggesting an increasing cyber threat. A new generation of hackers seemed to be breaking into phones, changing PINs, and denying users access to their own devices.”

Samsung Galaxy : Government issues warning
In the meantime, Samsung Galaxy phone users should be aware of potential security risks to their data as per the high-risk warning issued by India’s CERT-In department, which is in charge of handling cybersecurity issues. In order to reduce these risks, the advisory stresses how urgently the firmware and operating system (OS) need to be updated.

Versions 11, 12, 13, and 14 of Samsung Mobile Android have a number of vulnerabilities. A significant weakness in the system enables hackers to take advantage of it, which may result in data theft, code execution, and device compromise.

Samsung Galaxy

It was stated clearly by CERT-In that users who do not update their devices put themselves at greater risk of being hacked. In order to safeguard their devices from potential data breaches, users like Ankita and others who experienced problems should prioritize updating their Samsung devices even though the company has released patches to address these vulnerabilities.

The manufacturer of smartphones has confirmed that there are security holes in the product and that a maintenance release will be released in December 2023. As part of the monthly Security Maintenance Release (SMR) procedure, Samsung Mobile is releasing a maintenance release for its flagship models. Google and Samsung patches are included in this SMR package,” the Samsung security alert states.

Risks associated with vulnerabilities in Samsung Galaxy

On December 13, 2023, the Indian government categorized Samsung Galaxy phones as ‘high risk’ and released an official written security warning. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team released the security advisory (CERT-In)

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The security note states that these flaws could enable an attacker to send a broadcast with elevated privileges, initiate a heap overflow and stack-based buffer overflow, read AR Emoji sandbox data, circumvent Knox Guard lock by altering system time, access arbitrary files, obtain sensitive data, run arbitrary code, and compromise the targeted system.

Samsung Galaxy phones may become vulnerable to dangers if the operating system (OS) is not updated. This presents a chance for hackers to get past device security and obtain sensitive data without authorization. Hackers have the ability to steal crucial data by prying into user files.

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